paymentgateways » Online payment - 의 블로그 abdulmujeeb 로그인

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Online payment

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창조: 13/05/2011 12:29
업데이트: 13/05/2011 12:30
기사 1
일주일의 방문 934
총 방문수 495

paymentgateways :: Online payment

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United States - abdulmujeeb
위치: 7828/56779 회원

항목은 오래된로부터 가장 최근에 정렬됩니다!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif 기사: Why to choose Payment Gateway ? - 13/05/2011 12:30

Payment Gateway holds the summary of any e-commerce site. One cannot think of making or receiving online transaction without a Payment Gateway. Payment Gateway basically refers to an e-commerce service that authorizes payments for e-businesses & online retailers. It, in a way, stand for a physical POS (Point-of-sale) terminal located in most retail outlets. Payment gateways encrypt sensitive information, for instance credit card numbers to make sure that information passes securely between the customer and the merchant. For More Details:-